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The idea behind Line_Of_Fire Clan is to have your clan members back. (TEAM EFFORT). Play your position. I would like to thank all new members, and not so new, for giving Line_Of_Fire Clan a chance. Hopefully you've found a helpful, lighthearted home. Info update: For you members that haven't been ranked officer yet, it's because I haven't caught you playing yet. We are an clan where everyone is treated equally, and encourage suggestions for our forum, our ventrilo and Raid Call, and our gameplay. Top ranked members as well as new members are encouraged to participate and put in your ideas and opinions. Need your help guys...feel free to send private messages to the Admins or Moderators. For all new members, don't let other players get you down to where you don't play. If you are having problems with players, don't let it bother you. Find clan members, follow, invite and group to play together guys. That will make us strong. Listen, we have got to have an active clan. I am very proud of our rank and you should be too! It doesn't take 30 mins twice a day to complete missions, or for you PVP players to school some players. You guys are good, so lets pick up some activity. Please don't take this message wrong. Tell all members you see to read the clan info daily as we are constantly updating it. Revive, restore and take these players to school. As you leave, splatter.
-----Your Officers and Founders
NOTE: Once you register on our forum, please send a Private Message (PM) in the forum to mp32kim stating that you have registered, which alliance you are in, and if you are not in one of the Line_Of_Fire Clans and are a friend, please just state which member referred you.